01273 779467

Leading supplier of products and services to the crossdressing community

As an introduction, I will give a quick summary of how I have got to the place I am now at.

I have been an almost lifelong cross dresser with my earliest memories going back to when I was about five.

There has been a lot of discussions as to whether cross dressing is nature or nurture and in my view it is both.

The Early Years

I am sure there is something in my genes that leads to my cross dressing but also there are clear events in my life that I can associate with particular parts of my cross dressing life which is the ënurtureí part. For instance, when I was about 6 or 7 I used to go into my motherís bedroom after my father had gone to work and get into bed and talk to my mother as she dressed. She was very discreet until she had her lingerie on, but then used to sit at her dressing table in her bra and panties while she did her makeup. Sometimes she also wore a girdle and stockings, not because she needed it, but it was the fashion then. Her panties were full cut nylon, mostly black or white. This really spurred my dressing as every chance I got I would try on her panties and that led to a style of dressing I still like today.

Part of my ënatureí is I have always felt more comfortable with women rather than other men. I have never been keen on going out drinking with the lads or watching football or doing other alpha male activities. Instead, I have always liked things like shopping and cooking. Donít get me wrong, I am a ënormalí male in many areas, I am a professional engineer and like doing things such as physically building extensions on my homes, and have interests such as cars, railways and the like.

I married my first wife at age 20 and had 6 children but throughout our marriage, I cross dressed in secret. Unfortunately on a fateful day in May 2013 my ex-wife discovered my cross dressing Ö.. and divorced me. Sadly my children have also cut me out of their life which is their loss. Had my ex-wife really tried to understand, she might have realised that the nature part of me was probably what she loved.

I have remarried to a wonderful woman who knows of my cross dressing, although it does not form part of our relationship.

For most of my cross dressing life, as with so many of us, I was restricted to times when my family were away or occasional business trips where I stayed overnight. Over the years I have become slightly more adventurous and ventured out but well away from people as I did not feel I could pass.

In maybe the last 10 years I have thought more and more about trying a dressing service and looked into various options, and emailed a number of them. They all seemed stupidly expensive and I did not feel comfortable about the setups or people running the services. The emails I got back did not seem to offer the reassurance or support I was looking for.

In 2015 I found Translife.

I liked what was on offer as they offered both a makeover service as well as bed and breakfast accommodation. This is just part of the services they offered but were the ones I was interested in. I sent off an email Ö.

The reply I got from Andy was like a breath of fresh air. He was very helpful and put me at total ease and when he told me that he was also a cross dresser, I felt even more comfortable and so in October I had my first visit to Translife.

cross dresser sonia crossdressing nurture or natureI was very nervous, but when I knocked on the door and Andy invited me in, I knew this was going to be an amazing experience. We sat around and chatted over a cup of coffee and we were joined by Andyís partner, Krista. I found Krista to be the most lovely person who was so naturally supportive to us cross dressers. If only all women were like her the World would be a better place for people like us.

After a while, Andy asked if I was ready and talked through what my expectations were. I have all my own clothes so did not need to avail of the clothes they have available. What I wanted was to have my face made up professionally, rather than my normal amateurish attempts.

One of my worries, prior to my arrival, was what the actual sequence of events would be, but I need not have worried as Andy makes you feel totally comfortable. While in male mode you enter the world of the transformation room where you sit on the makeup chair with a mirror in front of you. You then have the surreal experience of watching Andy transform an old male face into your dream appearance. This was truly an experience to beat all. Andy then helped me put on my wig and then I went up to my room to complete the transformation by getting dressed.

I think when most of us cross dress, we have a mental image of our appearance which does not fully match reality, however, what Andy achieved, for me, far exceeded my best dreams of what I could look like. I remember that first time I went up to my room to get dressed and then looked in the mirror and was amazed at the woman looking back at me. Ok maybe no beauty but what looked back exceeded my mental image of the female me.

By this stage, I was so comfortable with Andy and Krista that I went downstairs feeling as though what was happening was totally normal. I am not confident enough to go out on the town at the moment and instead spent a wonderful evening enjoying my female side, chatting to Andy and Krista.

I have now visited Translife 5 times and each time has been equally great. Maybe on the next visit, I will be brave enough to venture out but whatever happens, I know Andy and Krista will make the stay memorable.

I cannot recommend Translife enough! If you would like some additional details you can always Email Me I will be delighted to help out where I can.


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