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Face lift tapes

(1 customer review)


Sophie SummersThese are a great investment I would never put a face on without them! For the best results, we suggest purchasing two sets, one for each brow/jaw lift. We recommend the HD Pro Gum Remover for removing any residue left on the skin after wearing the tapes.

Watch Our Product Video (Tab Below) to see just how effective these face-lift tapes can be!

SKU: 045 - Art Harding Categories: ,


Face lift tapes. For over 50 years, devices similar to the INSTANT FACE LIFT have been a secret weapon in film, television and theatre. The industry took away the years but required the precision and skill of both a makeup artist and hairdresser. UNTIL NOW.

We have done an instant five-minute face-lift tutorial for this product. To view, the details follow THIS LINK

Sun exposure, gravity and genetics all play their role in the ageing process. As our faces begin to mature one sees the lines around the mouth begin to drape and shadowed creases highlight the droop. The nasolabial folds (affectionately called smile lines) grow prominent. The jaw line loses elasticity and jowls appear. And unlike other body parts we may wish to conceal, the face can’t be so easily hidden. With the INSTANT FACE LIFT, a youthful appearance doesn’t require invasive procedures and expensive potions; the changes are subtle but powerful, sculpting but never startling. The lines are smoothed but not frozen. It’s you, only better.

The instruction booklet enclosed with each pack gives full instructions on how simple to apply the kit is. Each kit contains one full set of facelift bands, one neck lift band and forty-four (44) adhesive pads. For the best results, we suggest purchasing two (2) sets one for each brow lift.

Additional information

Weight .15 kg
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 1 cm

Dark, Light, Dark with 20 Refill Tapes, Light with 20 Refill Tapes, Refill Tapes ONLY

1 review for Face lift tapes

  1. Charlotte (verified owner)

    Excellence. Both product and service.

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