Makeup Simple Top Tips. In this article you will find and increasing range of top tips to assist you with many make-up challenges you may come across in your day to day life. Each article has been designed to be as concise and informative as possible. We are always appreciative of your feedback so please take a couple of minutes to drop us your thoughts they will be highly appreciated.
Creating your own make-up remover

makeup removers
If you don’t want to or can not afford to spend a lot of money on make-up remover then with a few inexpensive ingredients, you can create your own, simply follow the guidelines below:
Two tablespoons of baby shampoo.
235ml (1 cup) water.
Two tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil.
Combine the water, baby shampoo and oil in a jar or container with a lid and shake well, this will combine the water and oil, When you are ready to use the remover give it a further shake, apply to a cotton wool pad and wipe your face.
Create your own brush cleaner

Brush Cleaner
Make-up brush cleaner can be expensive and is not always easy to obtain in reasonable quantities, so listed below is a simple way to make your own:
60ml (1/4 cup) Extra-virgin olive oil.
120ml (1/2 cup) washing up liquid.
Pour the washing up liquid and olive oil into a bowl. Swirl the brush in the mixture and rinse under warm water. Run the brush along your hand until the water runs clear. Shake out any excess water and place the brush on an absorbent cloth / towel to dry overnight.
Concealer Tips and Tricks

Having a difficult time covering your dark under-eye circles? Use a hydrating eye cream to pump up the under-eye area before applying concealer.
Want to get rid of those fine lines? All you require is a wrinkle filling serum and some liquid concealer. Squeeze a little bit of wrinkle filler onto your finger. Dad it into the wrinkle, and blend until it is barley noticeable. You can then top with liquid concealer to completely hide the fine lines.
Experiencing problems with covering uneven skin tone? You do not want to overdo the concealing when you have uneven skin tone, as this can look extremely unflattering and unnatural. Start with a full coverage foundation (TV paint stick) or MAC Full coverage foundations are ideal. Once applied dot on your yellow based concealer and blend in well.
Tip for applying Blusher

Applying Blusher
Most brushes that come with a blusher are useless, they simply are not big enough. Throw them out and invest in a blusher brush that is slightly larger than the apples of your cheeks.
Cream blusher is very versatile and can be used on the lips for a complementary sheer to soft look. This particularly applies to blushers from the Kryolan range.
Powder blusher should always be applied in the one direction to avoid streaking.
Some dark blush on the tip of your nose will make it look shorter. Blend the colour in gently.
For a more natural look make sure you use a cream blusher with a cream foundation and a powder blusher with a powder foundation.
To locate the actual position of the apple of your cheek, look in the mirror, smile, and then sweep a brush upwards in an arc from the cheekbone to your hairline.
Making your make-up last longer.

Fixing Spray
If you want your make-up to last longer then spray your face with a hydrating mist (MAC Cosmetics do a great one) after applying your setting powder. The water more fully sets the powder into your skin, but don’t overdo it as it can have a detrimental effect. Some of the alternatives I can recommend and have used are:
L’Oréal Infallible fixing mist – Please don’t forget to give it a good shake before you use it…. This product does keep everything in tact including your pigmented eyeshadows and it smells nice too which is a bonus.
Urban Decay De-Slick Make-Up Setting Spray – If you suffer from an oily skin completion then this is probably the best product for you, even if it is a little pricy the investment is worth it.
A quick and cheap fix is to use very fine hair spray. Spray up in the air, close your eyes and walk through the cloud of spray. Not an ideal solution but it does work as a fixing agent at a push.
Creating an Eyelift and Filling in Brows.
Think of this as creating a shadow behind your existing brows. A simple rule is to use a shade lighter than your brow colour and fill in. However, if your brows are very fair, you should consider using a shade or two darker than your own brows. There are two methods you can deploy to construct and fill your brows:
Eyebrow Pencil: You can use the point of an eyebrow pencil to lightly draw in hairs for a natural look, or shade in the brows for a more dramatic look. There are five shades typically used to fill brows; each is matched to a particular hair (wig) colour:
Taupe: Blonde and Red hair.
Light Brown: Dark Blonde and Light Brown hair.
Medium Brown: Light to Medium Brown hair.
Dark Brown: Medium to Dark Brown hair.
Black: Black hair and dark skin.
As a standard practice I always feather the lines with a brow bush where possible to soften the effect, thus making the brows appear more natural.
Eye Shadows: You can use a matt eyeshadow with an angle (brow brush) to fill in and shape brows. Again, I would suggest you use a shade that corresponds with you hair (wig) colour as indicated above.
Creating a lift for your brows
For an instant eyelift, apply a soft white shadow above your eyebrows and blend in well, then below the arch of your eyebrow apply a pink eyeshadow and blend that in. For a more dramatic real lift consider using facelift tape as outlined below.
The Ultimate facelift without ANY sugary
We recommend using Art Harding facelift tapes. This is part of “Sophie’s” routine and warrants a complete blog of its own (call back soon).
The basics for selecting an eyeshadow shade

Eye Colours
The eyes are often referred to as the windows to your soul. Getting the right colour balance can have a significant impact on your look with these simple guidelines you will be able to select the best colours to complement your eye colour.
Blue Eyes: The complementary colour for blue is Orange. Therefore, consider colours that have shades of orange, such as gold, copper, apricot and peach.
Green Eyes: The complementary colour for Green is Red. Therefore, consider colours that have shades of Red, such as Plum, Purple or Wine.
Brown Eyes: Brown is termed as a neutral colour, so any eyeshadow colour will effectively work with it. Typically blue and purple shades make Brown eyes stand out.
Hazel Eyes: People with Hazel eyes can enjoy a wide spectrum of shadow colours, due to their flecked hues. The eye colour can handle many different shades of eye make-up. However, blue is one exception as it can make hazel eyes look greyish.